The BC Rural Health Network (the BCRHN) is the healthcare voice for all rural residents of British Columbia.
BCRHN’s focus is on reaching all rural residents, hearing their needs, celebrating their successes, and assisting them with access to information, programs, and care. The BCRHN is focused on the rural resident and is both located in and connected throughout, rural British Columbia. Through efficient communications, broad provincial reach, volunteer driven community connections, sharing successes and open communications with all governments, it is possible for the BCRHN to reach a specific rural community or the entire province with timely information and responses.
The Network improves:
- rural health outcomes in a changing environment through accurate and timely information provision
- general healthcare information access
- senior care information and programming
- creation of community centric care groups
- interagency communications with other NGOs
- mental health awareness and programming access
- access to information from governments and healthcare providers
- access to programs that benefit the rural resident’s wellness
- access to science pertinent to the rural resident that is accurate and approved by authorities
- access to the rural resident generally
- access to governments generally
- assistance to scientists and universities in accessing rural residents to identify determinants of rural healthcare impacts on the rural resident
- identification of rural health needs specific to rural life
- support for scholarship and education in rural healthcare fields
The BCRHN inter-connects directly with all member groups and with all governments. Open lines of communication are established and functional within the BCRHN ensuring the resident is receiving accurate information and the governments are aware of the impacts and benefits their decisions have in rural BC.
The BCRHN has community level memberships throughout BC, made up of municipalities and community healthcare organizations. The BCRHN has Network location hubs in each rural Health Service Delivery region allowing for information provision to specific locations with similar population densities and areas. Eventually, there are 12 BCRHN location hubs, all with similar facilities and office spaces. Each of these facilities is capable of being a HQ of operations.
The Board of Directors is a sophisticated, diverse group, who live in and are representative of, rural BC residents. The BCRHN has deep committee representation which includes government representatives, academics, First Nations, medical practitioners, and other community leaders. All committees are active and are included in policy meetings with governments. The BCRHN is the agent for the BC rural residents’ healthcare interests.