Vancouver – Centre for Rural Health Research – RER/UBC

Jude Kornelsen – Co-Director

The Centre for Rural Health Research emerged in response to the need for an evidence base to inform the policy and planning of health services for rural residents of British Columbia, with a focus on maternity care.

Our work is carried out by interdisciplinary teams of health service and social science researchers, health care providers and administrators, senior planners and policy makers, and students and fellows. The productive and collaborative research relationship between the Co-Directors has led to more than 50 peer-reviewed publications.

Our research findings have contributed to a base of evidence that is corroborated by the international literature. Emerging local evidence has been incorporated into planning processes, leading to partnerships with local communities, rural clinicians, and local, regional, provincial, and national planners who have contributed to the development and refinement of the research agenda. Through this reciprocal relationship, we have advanced a relevant and responsive program of health services research.

Our research is supported and funded by the Department of Family Practice at the University of British Columbia, the Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR), the Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research (MSFHR), and the various Joint Collaborative Committees that are partnerships of the Government of BC and Doctors of BC.

We believe that all rural communities in Canada should have access to sustainable health service. Planning these services requires rigorous evidence. The Centre for Rural Health Research exists to do primarily rural health services, and the work to see it implemented in policy.

RURAL EVIDENCE REVIEW – What is the Rural Evidence Review?

The goal of the Rural Evidence Review (RER) project is to work with rural citizens to provide high quality, useful evidence for rural health care planning in British Columbia. 

To do this we:
1. ask rural citizens about the health care priorities that matter the most to them and their communities, 
2. review the evidence on what we hear, and
3. share what we learn with policy-makers and health administrators in the province. The project is jointly funded by the Rural Coordination Centre of British Columbia and Canada’s Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research. 

Who are we?
We are a team of researchers from the Centre for Rural Health Research in the Department of Family Practice at the University of British Columbia. To learn more about the RER team, click here.

How can you help?
We need the help of rural citizens to know which health care issues are most important to rural communities in B.C., and which topics to research and try to improve. No issue is too big or too sma

Share Your Priorities
You can share your community’s priorities for rural health care in British Columbia with our team at any time and in two ways:
(1) Take our survey. The RER team has developed a short, anonymous survey to learn about rural citizen and community priorities for health care. The survey is available here: [PLEASE NOTE: THIS SURVEY IS NOT RUNNING ANYMORE]
(2) Participate in an interview. Rural citizens are invited to participate in a confidential telephone interview with our research team about your priorities for rural health services in B.C. Interested individuals are asked to email the project’s Coordinator (Christine Carthew) at to let our team know that you would like to take part.
(3) Contact us. The project’s Coordinator, Christine, can be reached at any time to discuss the health care issues and priorities that are most important to rural citizens and communities in B.C. Christine can be reached by email at or telephone at 1 (604) 827-2193.

Participate in the Rural Citizen Advisory Committee
The Rural Evidence Review Team is putting together a Rural Citizen Advisory Committee to:
(1) Provide local input about rural health care needs in British Columbia.
(2) Provide feedback on the project’s work.
(3) Help our team to plan how to share the project’s findings with rural communities across B.C.
Rural citizens in British Columbia who are interested in participating on the advisory committee are asked to email the project’s Coordinator, Christine, at to let our team know that you would like to take part.
Christine Carthew, Project Coordinator
T: (604) 827-2193


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