The Village That Sparkles

In New Denver Bluebirds overlap with Sparks. To clarify some Bluebirds are also part of the New Denver Spark in The Dark Lantern Festival team. The bluebird featured here is in fact a lantern created for this year’s parade and festival.

This is an entirely harmonious relationship because our Pavilion extended care folk are at the heart of both initiatives. Here’s a sweet 3 minute video to take you along as the lantern parade encircled their home in safe Covid 2022 mode.

In January 2023 the Bluebird Art Team will help them build their own lanterns so as the parade passes their windows they too can sparkle.

We Bluebirds recently had the pleasure and honour of hosting a 100th birthday gala for our dear Bobbi. The Spark bluebird was present.

So as the year wanes and most news is dire, we cordially invite our readers to join (via various media formats) to see our village come together as we prepare to welcome the light back on January 28, 2023.

New Denver, “The Village That Sparkles”



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