The Top 10 Super-Creepy Medical Technologies

May 3, 2022 [Excerpt] We are all for new technologies here, spending our days researching where the science of medicine goes. With that said, every now and then we see something so creepy that it freaks out even the seasoned team of The Medical Futurist. So here we collected ten examples of either super creepy medical technologies or ingeniously evil uses of perfectly innocent technologies.

Virtually reuniting with our deceased loved ones

You probably have heard about this Korean project in which a young mother was able to meet with her deceased daughter in virtual reality. This video is heartbreaking and very disturbing at the same time, raising a number of ethical and emotional questions.

Good morning, time to wake up with electroshock!

Are you a morning kind of person? Good for you! Are you having difficulties with the mornings? The Snooze button is your best friend? Do you have regular troubles with sleeping in? We have good news for you!

The microchip implanted under your skin

Human RFID implants have actually been around for a while, and you can use them for a number of things. (We mean, you can choose to use them FROM a number of things, but are not yet able to do these all at once). So with a rice-sized implant in your hand, you can open your car, your door, you can just use your hand for contactless payment in the shop, or store your vaccination pass there.

Robot nanny for growing babies in artificial wombs

“Scientists in China have created a robotic artificial intelligence system to monitor and care for human embryos growing in artificial wombs. The AI robot is being developed as a potential solution to population growth problems in the world’s most populous country, with birth rates recently falling to their lowest level in six decades.” – you can read in the Independent.

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