Reflecting back to last spring when a couple of heart-warmed volunteers were walking back from a volunteer session at our extended care facility, the Pavilion. As our paths separated, a pair of Mountain Bluebirds dropped down nearby as though they’d been waiting for us! The female perched on top of a funky old world directions sign. It felt a scalp-tingling, breath-stopping moment. Arriving home I texted my friend and said “We should call ourselves the Bluebird volunteers! So we did.
Now a year has passed and what a lot of positivity our tiny band has generated within and without the Pavilion. We seem to grow magically from strength to strength.
Today we are proud to offer you photos showcasing our recent community tea and art show hosted with the help of our Health Centre Auxiliary, administrator and staff. It was a scintillating success, school classes mingling with residents bussed by a volunteer driver to our beautiful art and flower filled Knox Hall. Tea and homemade cookies were served. It was truly a joyous community coming together of ages from 6 to 100 years. Lots of town folk came by to view the work and settle for an cuppa and a visit. (In all modesty I say that many were startled at the level of work the Bluebird Art Team has produced.)

The warm feelings evoked for all of us, Bluebirds, SCHC Residents and Staff and Auxiliary will long linger and encourage our efforts. We are certain it serves as an important thread of good now woven into our community fabric.
Deep gratitude to all who contributed.
Onward we say!