The BC Rural Health Network Member of the Month for November 2022 is Elk Valley Hospice

The Elk Valley Hospice is a registered non-profit society dedicated to giving comfort, honour, and dignity to end of life patients and their families. Serving the beautiful, mountainous region in south eastern BC, encompassing the communities of Elkford, Sparwood, Fernie, Elko, Baynes Lake, and everything in between. We support individuals and families during end-of-life experiences, and we believe thaSt no family should face this alone

A dedicated team of compassionate, trained volunteers will visit palliative individuals and provide free, confidential support for the family and friends involved. Although, there is a spacious Hospice room located at the Elk Valley Hospital in Fernie, it is our belief that hospice is more of a concept than a place. Our funding from community donations and grants has allowed us to offer our many services, and including renovating our Hospice room with a new lift, kitchenette, extensive bathroom renovations, fresh paint, and decor. We would like to thank all of our benefactors for the grants and donations to be able to make this happen.

Our volunteers will organize visitations in the hospital, private homes or care facilities anywhere in the valley. We also have trained bereavement companions for those needing support while grieving the loss of a loved one, providing confidential support in a difficult time.

Many people fear dying in pain and want a peaceful death. This is quite achievable with the medical resources available, but many people don’t access palliative care or hospice until the last days of life, if at all. Elk Valley Hospice does not provide medical care, but works closely with Interior Health, Palliative Care, local care homes, and Caregiver support so they can assist families in living, not just the actual dying process. We are grateful for our generous community and we were the lucky recipients of the latest 100 Women Who Care Fernie donation of $5000.00.

 “A big thank you to our generous community”
Elk Valley Hospice goals for this year are to:
-provide community education and awareness of hospice, bereavement, & advanced care planning
-increase awareness of our services to receive referrals earlier
-increase donations and volunteers
-facilitate community discussions around death and dying

We were able to offer “Companioning the Dying” hospice course this fall at College of the Rockies in Fernie.
This brand new course was put together and presented by Daneve McAffer and Bruce Knowlden from Columbia Valley Hospice, and successfully completed by 9 participants

You do not need a medical referral for Hospice. Referral forms can be found on our website and can be submitted by medical professionals, individuals, family members, caregivers, friends or neighbors. If in doubt, just call or email to talk to one of our coordinators.

PHONE: 250-423-4453, ext 309

The end of life deserves as much beauty, care, and respect as the beginning, and Elk Valley Hospice is here to support that belief during one of life’s most difficult and inevitable challenges.

By Marianne Agnew for Elk Valley Hospice


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