Save Canada’s Public Health Care

Last week (June 14-18, 2021), we listened to the BC Court of Appeal’s hearing for the Cambie case. As promised, we are writing to provide you with an update on the case. 

The appellants argued that this case isn’t about the wealthy having improved access to care. They say that the rise in crowd-funding and community support resources could help everyone pay for faster access to care. Who needs a public health care system when you can use Go-Fund-Me to pay for your surgery instead?!

To read our summary of the events at the appeal hearing including some of the arguments made on all sides, click here.

We remain confident in the strength and breadth of the decision from the BC Supreme Court last September. This case, which involved nearly 200 days in court at the trial level and more than 880 pages in the decision, is one of the most significant in Canadian legal history. We know that the evidence is on our side.

So … what’s next? Unfortunately, again we have to wait. Our legal counsel anticipates that it will be at least 6 months before a verdict is reached in this appeal. Regardless of the outcome we will almost certainly be headed to the Supreme Court of Canada. 

As the Coalition Intervenors we remain committed to pursuing the case and will keep you posted along the way.

Thanks and take good care,Save Canada’s Medicare
British Columbia Health Coalition · 3102 Main St, 302, Vancouver, Unceded Coast Salish Territories, BC V5T 3G7, Canada 


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