A broad spectrum of research was on display when the Rural Coordination Centre of BC (RCCbc) hosted the BC Rural Health Research Exchange (BCRHRx).
The event which took place on Nov. 23 featured a total of 30 presentations by more than 40 researchers.
The event was supported by the Joint Standing Committee on Rural Issues and the BC Emergency Medicine Network.
RCCbc extends a huge thank you to all the presenters, panelists and attendees who made the event a great success. We are indebted to our hosts, Dr. Nelly Oelke, Dr. Dee Taylor and Cindy Charleyboy and to our Zoom Room moderators from the BC Emergency Medicine Network, Dr. Frank Scheuermeyer and Dr. Riyad Abu-Laban.
Jason Curran, Manager, Rural Research & Physician Engagement at RCCbc, said: “It’s refreshing to see the great number and diversity of rural-focused research projects in B.C. Much of what was shared has the potential to lead to innovative changes to practice, health service delivery and improvements to the overall health and wellness of smaller communities in the province.”
Tracey DeLeeuw, Administrative Assistance for Rural Research, who co-created the event with Curran, said: “This year’s event was incredibly successful. Thank you to all the participants and presenters for showcasing and supporting rural research across B.C. We are already looking forward to BCRHRx 2022.”
The presentations were split between two virtual rooms.
- Among the presentations in Zoom Room A was research carried out in Gibsons exploring health coaching and mindfulness as levers for transformation in health, a comparison of rural and urban virtual care, and exploring the quality of warfarin management in Prince George. The full list of presentations is available at https://rccbc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/2021-BCRHRx_event-program-and-presentation-schedule.pdf.
- Among the presentations in Zoom Room B was youth perspectives in healthcare careers, a study of the resilience to the health care impacts of climate change and building Point-of-Care Ultrasound capacity in rural Emergency Departments. The full list of presentations is available at https://rccbc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/2021-BCRHRx_event-program-and-presentation-schedule.pdf.
Anyone who attended the presentation is asked to complete a short questionnaire at https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=jt2JcRBFCUW5hKDsHlDvCUxeTg5EgfFAhzAVnydfvSBURUUwWUNVSFUwM1pCVDI0TUtXRU9MRzVYUCQlQCN0PWcu.
For more information on BCRHRx visit https://rccbc.ca/bcrhrx/