Partnerships in Patient-Oriented Research

Perspectives on POR | Partnerships in Patient-Oriented Research

The BC SUPPORT Unit is excited to bring you a new video series, called Perspectives on POR, which explores different views on patient-oriented research (POR) from individuals across BC. We spoke with patients, researchers, trainees, health care practitioners, and other stakeholder groups about their experiences with, and thoughts on, patient-oriented research to get an understanding of how POR impacts everyone involved. 

The first video provides a snapshot of POR across the province.
To watch this video, click on Partnerships in Patient-Oriented Research 

The second video is about the ways in which involving Indigenous communities in patient-oriented research can help to improve health care for all. 
Watch this video here: Indigenous perspectives in patient-oriented research 

If you’re interested in the ways that you can get involved in patient-oriented research, visit our website or complete our inquiry form to connect with one of our regional centres.


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