Ms. Unrau’s Story

The Cost of Life

Good day,

My name is Christina Derksen-Unrau. I live in Princeton, BC and am currently approved to be actively listed with VGH Transplant Clinic for a double lung transplant.

I have had to decline being listed because I cannot afford the astronomical costs associated with mandatory after care as per VGH Transplant requirements.

Examples of costs:

Accommodation for 3 to 6 months at an average of $ 3,500 per month this does not include any costs for food, transportation to and from VGH approx. 4 times per week or parking fees etc.

I require a 24/7 caregiver which will be my husband, the sole income in our household, which means he will not be able to work.

While we are in Vancouver saving my life with minimal income from Employment Insurance benefits, we still have to maintain our mortgage and bills for our home in Princeton.

I find myself in the disheartening and terrifying position of either losing everything we have worked our whole lives for to save my life or not saving my life and just wait to die.

I have never been so frustrated and terrified as I am right now.

We just hope and pray that somehow, someway we can come up with enough money to save my life.

If we can’t …….. I will die !!!!!!

It is heart breaking to know my life has such little value in my country.

Christina Derksen-Unrau


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