BC Rural Health Network Membership/Renewal Information


  • Any person, organization or association that support the purpose, principles, and objectives of the BCRHN is eligible to become a Member.
  • Members are entitled to make motions, vote and/or hold office as Directors, receive minutes of all meetings, and receive written financial statements.

Membership Types

Organization $50.00
Individual $30.00

BCRHN Membership Form

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Membership Options(Required)
Membership Category(Required)

Contact Information

Organization Information

Please enter one name/title per line.
Please feel free to input a paragraph or two describing your organization and the services you provide. This will appear on your member page. Thank you
Please one name/number per line.
Are you willing to volunteer?
Please indicate interest by checking one or more of the following areas of expertise/interest:
Payment Method(Required)
Please click your payment method below

After you submit this form you will be redirected to the payment page.

A copy of this form will be emailed to the address you used, please ensure it's correct. Thank you.