Is the Doctor In? BC Can’t Say for Sure

FOI documents highlight the large number of patients without access to primary care.

Andrew MacLeod  May 18, 2022
[Excerpt] The British Columbia government has only a vague idea of how many people in the province lack access to a family doctor or other primary care provider, Health Minster Adrian Dix has acknowledged.

The admission comes at a time when anecdotes about people’s difficulties getting primary care have become common and the government has been under heavy political pressure to fix the problem.Opposition MLAs have raised the issue repeatedly in the legislature and “Everyone Deserves a Family Doctor” lawns signs have sprouted around the province as part of a campaign organized by BC Family Doctors, the group representing the profession in the province.

“The doctor situation in British Columbia is being described by doctors, by patients, by families, as a crisis,” said Bond, MLA for Prince George-Valemount. “Transformation is important, but we actually need to manage the system we have now so people can get the care they need. Part of the core of that issue is that they cannot get a family doctor.”



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