In Plain Sight – Addressing Indigenous-specific Racism and Discrimination in B.C. Health Care

Zero Tolerance of Racism Basic First Step to Ensure Equal Access to Health Care for First Nations people in BC

Nov 30, 2020
[Excerpts] “Métis Nation British Columbia was pleased to work with the Review Team on this report addressing racism in B.C.’s health care system. The Métis Nation needs to be recognized as a distinct people making up one-third of the Indigenous population in B.C”
~ MNBC President Clara Morin Dal Col Métis National Council, National Minister of Health.

Racism against Indigenous peoples is a malignant disease that has been in the health care system in British Columbia since inception. Every person who works in the health care system, in fact every British Columbian, must acknowledge this reality and work together to ensure health care for Indigenous people is equitable and culturally safe and focusses on the needs of the individual, not the attitudes of the system. It is a glaring fact that Indigenous peoples encounter racism on a regularbasis in the health care system and we need an e ective mechanism orcomplaint process to bring the issue to light and have it addressed. First Nations in British Columbia must be protected from all forms of racial discrimination in seeking health care. Racism is not just hurtful wordsor ideas – in health care, it leaves Indigenous peoples su ering withoutproper care. In the moment when you need health care, it is too much of a burden to put on the backs of First Nations peoples, having todeal with this racism. That is not compassionate, it is cruel and painful.”


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