Castlegar Grandpals program hopes to bring generations together

Robson Community School students visited with Castlegar IRIS on Nov. 30, 2023 with the same goals as the new Grandpals program. (Betsy Kline/Castlegar News)

Castlegar News Sept 11 2024 – Betsy Kline

A new program at Kootenay Family Place hopes to bridge the generation gap in a new way

A new program at Kootenay Family Place (KFP) hopes to bridge the generation gap in a new way.

The Grandpals program came about after local seniors advocate and IRIS (Increasing Recreation Involving Seniors) coordinator Sandi McCreight got together with Gent Harrison and Lynnene Lewis from KFP to discuss ideas for getting seniors involved in some of KFP’s Neighbourhood House programs. 

McCreight was able to secure a grant from the BC Community Response Network that will help launch the program that will bring seniors from IRIS together with with the children and families at KFP. 

“We already run some amazing free drop-in programs for parents with preschool-aged children like CAPC Parent Education and Support, and CPNP Beautiful Beginnings, so we modelled the new program off of that,” said Harrison, who is KFP’s executive director.

“Basically we set up an inviting space, have friendly staff, plan activities, serve food, and let people make friends.”

The goal of the Grandpals program is to build intergenerational connections. 

“We know that many families in the area do not have relatives nearby and we also know that we have seniors in the area without relatives nearby and we thought it would be a great chance to try and help build some relationships,” explained Harrison.

The hope is that that the new connections will extend outside of the group gatherings as relationships build between the two parties.

This mixing of generations benefits all involved,” says McCreight. “Benefits to seniors include increasing socialization to battle loneliness and it’s negative health effects, increasing connectedness to prevent elder abuse, and to challenge ageist beliefs against seniors. Intergenerational programming, in our experience at IRIS, has been very beneficial and enjoyed enormously by all who participate.”

Read the full article here…


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