Care Outcomes in Long Term Care Facilities in BC

Care Outcomes in Long-Term Care Facilities in British Columbia, Canada
Does Ownership Matter?

Margaret J. McGregor, MD, MHSc, Robert B. Tate, PhD, Kimberlyn M. McGrail, PhD, MPH, Lisa A. Ronald, MSc, Anne-Marie Broemeling, PhD, and Marcy Cohen, MEd

Objectives:This study investigated whether for-profit (FP) versus not-for-profit (NP) ownership of long-term care facilities resulted in a difference in hospital admission and mortality rates among facility residents in British Columbia, Canada.

Results: We found that, overall, FP facilities demonstrated higher adjusted hospitalization rates for pneumonia, anemia, and dehydration and no difference for falls, urinary tract infections, or DCU/gangrene. 

FP facilities demonstrated higher adjusted hospitalization rates compared with NP facilities attached to a hospital, amalgamated to a regional health authority, or that were multisite. 

This effect was not present when comparing FP facilities to NP single-site facilities. 

There was no difference in mortality rates in FP versus NP facilities.To read the full report click on: Does Ownership Matter? orDownloadl


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