Build Your Nursing Future in British Columbia, Canada!

“Our government is committed to addressing the province’s demand for nurses. That’s why we’re launching [a] comprehensive suite of supports for internationally educated nurses to help them put their skills to use here in B.C.”
– Honourable Adrian Dix, Minister of Health, BC

On April 19, 2022 the Province of B.C. announced several exciting new initiatives that will make it easier for eligible internationally educated nurses (IENs) to enter the province’s health system.

Together with the British Columbia College of Nurses and Midwives (BCCNM), the Nursing Community Assessment Service (NCAS) and Health Match BC (HMBC), the Province is supporting IENs who want to work in B.C. by:

  • consolidating the provincially based assessment processes for IEN candidates;
  • offering approximately $9 million in bursaries to help with assessment fees, which is expected to benefit approximately 1,500 IENs in the first year; and
  • creating new navigational supports to help IENs navigate the assessment and licensing process.

Click here to learn more about Minister Adrian Dix’s announcement.



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