“Bluebird Bunny Bags” – Volunteers making a difference!

Hello again Bluebird followers!

This article will be about the robes we’ve created for taking our residents on outings around town. We call them “Bluebird Bunny Bags” because they look cute as bunnies in them.

To give you an idea I’ve copied here a recent post we made on our local fb community page:

“The Bluebird Pavilion Volunteers are dedicated to getting as many residents outside as often as possible. Weather and wheelchair propulsion units (aka Bluebirds) are the limiting factors. Our buddies may be seen sporting their new Bluebird exclusive rainbow robes. We have equipped them with caps, light blankets and rain capes as well.

If you spot us singly or in flocks and you’re on foot stop and say hello to these wonderful members of our community. If you’re driving please slow down and give us as much space as possible. We are often constrained by uneven surfaces and lack of sidewalks. We thank the Nikkei Centre and the Hidden Garden Gallery for welcoming us in a wheelchair accessible fashion.”

We are proud of these robes as they are both practical and pleasing to the eye. Beginning their life as wearable blankets on Amazon we chose rainbow colours and adapted them to suit WC usage. Our residents adore them; their eyes light up whenever they appear. Since they are put on from the front they’re easy with wheelchair folks. Once on they feel cozy with drafts eliminated. Each has a detachable matching hoods. The stiffened footbed (removable for laundry) rests on the chair footrests which stops the robe from dragging on the ground.

They certainly do attract attention. Medical staff, anyone who supports someone in a wheelchair immediately see the design benefits. We are often stopped and asked if they are for sale. They are not but should be and anyone with basic sewing skills can do as the Bluebirds did and sew their own!   Read and see more about the Bluebirds here…


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