BC AHSN was initiated by the BC Ministry of Health as a key enabler of a scientific and learning approach to continuous improvement and strategic transformation of BC’s health system. Its creation reflected a need to address a gap in the Province’s health research environment, particularly the need to better connect provincial health research to clinical practice.
As an independent provincial organization focused on creating collaborative partnerships and aligning priorities and resources, BC AHSN is creating an environment in which research and innovation are more readily translated, applied into clinical practice and policy, and evaluated for patient benefit and value.
BC AHSN connects and catalyzes the Province’s collective expertise and resources, bringing together patients, government, health authorities, academic institutions, professional groups and a host of organizations across BC’s research, health care, professional and educational sectors. The processes we are developing and the resources we bring will help BC attain measurable improvement in health and health care.
BC AHSN consists of three operational units that form the backbone of our organization: the BC SUPPORT Unit, Clinical Trials BC, and Research Ethics BC. Together, we deliver a range of essential knowledge management services and supports that collectively enable Learning Health Systems in BC and strengthen our reach and impact.
Creating lasting change in BC
BC AHSN’s role is to enable innovation within a Learning Health System that makes the best use of provincial assets, resources and expertise.
-For more information, read our strategic plan, called Looking Forward, here.
-To learn more about our stakeholders, read their profiles.
-Read about our commitment to diversity and inclusion here.

BC Academic Health Science Network – Strategic Plan – Looking Forward
BC has major strengths in health care, health research and health education.
The role of BC AHSN is to assist in better employing these strengths to reinforce the Province’s leadership in health care innovation and improvement.
In alignment with this role, and in keeping with BC AHSN’s mandate to “foster collaboration and the diffusion of excellence in care,” this Strategic Plan represents a commitment by the Board, Management, staff and associates of our organization to work diligently with others to improve health and health care in BC.
Trusted partnerships and collaborations with other entities also charged with health research and innovation are key to how BC AHSN intends to fulfill its role.
It is one of our guiding principles to foster the relationships necessary to achieve system‐level change of significant impact and value.
To read the full strategic plan, click on AHSN – Strategic Plan https://bcahsn.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Looking-Forward.pdf