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The BC Rural Health Network (BCRHN) consists of healthcare advocacy organizations working in cooperation with healthcare policymakers. The purpose of the Network is to promote and support a health services system that improves and sustains the health and well-being of residents of rural communities across British Columbia.
Our goals include the following:
President – Peggy Skelton, East Shore Kootenay Lake
Vice President – Bob Storey – Fraser Lake
Secretary – Lorraine Gerwing – Northern Rockies Regional Municipality
Treasurer – Kristy Bjarnason – Burns Lake
Rhonda Elliott, Bella Coola
Theresa Hamilton, Revelstoke.
Pegasis McGauley, Nelson
Dave Smith, Chase
Leonard Casley, New Denver
Jane Osborne, Nanaimo
Margaret Scaia, Silverton
Augmenting The Board:
Jude Kornelsen – Liaison: Center for Rural Health Research UBC
Valerie St John – Liaison: BC Association of Community Health Centres and the BC Health Coalition
Staff Members:
Paul Adams – Executive Director – Princeton
Phoebe Lazier – Community Outreach – Merritt
The BC Rural Health Network (the BCRHN) is the healthcare voice for all rural residents of British Columbia.
To promote and support a health services system that improves and sustains the health and well- being of residents of rural communities across British Columbia
The following goals of the BCRHN focus on the need to provide solutions to common problems through cooperative and collaborative enterprise with key stakeholders:
Please feel free to reach out via the form below with any questions, comments or complaints you might have.
We promise we will treat them all equally.
If you would like an immediate response to your request please fill in the “phone” field so we may reach you, as soon as we can.
Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you soon.