Rural and Remote Health: A Key Election Issue Missing from the Conversation

Sept 24, 2024 – Rural British Columbia – Paul Adams – BC Rural Healthcare Network

Bridging the Healthcare Gap

As British Columbia prepares for the provincial election on October 19, healthcare remains one of the most pressing issues for voters. Overcrowded emergency rooms, a shortage of family doctors, and understaffing have dominated the headlines. While the major political parties — the BC New Democrats, Conservative Party of BC, and BC Greens — have laid out some of their healthcare policy proposals, there’s a notable gap: specific, actionable policies addressing the unique healthcare challenges faced by rural and remote communities.

The Overlooked Needs of Rural Healthcare Rural and remote communities across BC face barriers that urban residents do not. The frequent closure of emergency rooms, the struggle to attract/retain healthcare professionals, and the high costs of accessing care are just a few of the challenges that residents in these areas encounter. Yet, none of the party platforms so far have adequately addressed how to ensure equitable access to healthcare for rural populations.

BC’s rural healthcare issues are complex. The distance between care facilities, the lack of family doctors, and the high cost of travel for specialized care create significant obstacles for rural residents. For many, accessing necessary care often means leaving their communities, incurring expenses for travel, accommodation, and time away from work or family. These realities are rarely reflected in the broader healthcare policies being put forward in this election.

Concerns Over the Future of Rural Healthcare From a rural healthcare perspective, there is growing concern that none of the existing proposals fully address the systemic inequities that make it harder for rural residents to access care. Some of the policies being suggested may further complicate access for rural residents, many of whom already face high costs for transportation and housing when traveling for medical care. In addition, there is concern that some policies on the healthcare system could lead to increased costs for end-users, increased challenges in staffing rural and remote public facilities and exacerbating inequities for those in rural and remote areas.

Why Rural and Remote Voters Need to Do Their Research As the election approaches, it is crucial for rural and remote voters to carefully assess how these proposals will impact their communities. While parties have offered various strategies to address healthcare shortages and long wait times, none have provided concrete plans that recognize the unique challenges rural residents face. It is essential to ask questions to all your candidates like:

  • Will these policies reduce or increase out-of-pocket costs for rural residents?
  • How will they ensure that rural healthcare facilities remain open and staffed?
  • Are the proposed solutions truly equitable, or will they lead to further disparities in access?

The BC Rural Health Network strongly encourages all rural and remote residents to carefully research the healthcare policies being proposed by each party. Look beyond the headlines and promises to determine which solutions will address the needs of your community and ensure that healthcare remains accessible, equitable, and affordable for everyone in BC, regardless of where they live.

Conclusion Healthcare is a universal concern, but the reality for rural and remote residents is different from those living in urban areas. As political parties pitch their healthcare solutions ahead of the election, it is vital that they recognize the specific barriers faced by rural communities. As a voter, ensure that the policies you support will work for you and your community — and demand that all political parties commit to closing the healthcare gap for rural and remote BC.

Being a non-partisan, solutions based group is also challenging during elections and as we move closer to election day will continue to remain neutral and will work with all political parties to provide rural insights to help form policy positions (supported by lived experience, science and research). We remain committed to focusing on solutions!


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