Press Release from the BC Rural Health Network – Parlimentary Secretary for Rural Health

For Immediate Release

January 23, 2023

British Columbia – The BC Rural Health Network (BCRHN) welcomes the appointment of Jennifer Rice as the Parliamentary Secretary for Rural Health by Premier David Eby. This appointment demonstrates the government’s commitment to addressing the unique challenges faced by rural, remote, and Indigenous communities in regard to healthcare.

“We are excited to have Jennifer Rice as the Parliamentary Secretary for Rural Health,” said Peggy Skelton, President of BCRHN. “Her experience in emergency preparedness and commitment to addressing the needs of rural communities make her the perfect candidate for this role. We look forward to working with her to improve the healthcare experiences of rural residents in British Columbia.”

“The appointment of a Parliamentary Secretary for Rural Health is a positive step towards addressing the healthcare disparities faced by rural residents in British Columbia,” said Dr. Jude Kornelsen, Chair of the BCRHN Implementation Committee. “We look forward to collaborating with Jennifer Rice and the Minister of Health to bring our position papers to fruition and improve the healthcare experiences of rural residents.”

We would like to thank Premier David Eby for recognizing the importance of rural healthcare and for taking steps to address the issues faced by rural residents in British Columbia. We also want to acknowledge and commend Dr. Kornelsen and the members of the Implementation Committee for their hard work and dedication in bringing forward the position papers on rural health care to the government.

We believe that with the support of Premier Eby and Ms. Rice, we can work towards improving the healthcare experiences of rural residents in British Columbia.


For more information and media requests please contact:

Paul Adams, Executive Director,


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