Victoria doctor backs off from charging $125, plans to leave MSP altogether

Days after telling patients she would hold off on her plan to charge them $125 a month, Victoria-based family doctor Dr. Perpetua Nwosu has announced she will unenrol from the Medical Services Plan.

As of Nov. 1, 2022, she won’t be part of public universal health care, though she wrote in an email to her patient list that she still plans to operate a fee-based practice.

“Dr. Nwosu is now repositioning the practice to be able to provide more patient-centred services using a team-based approach,” the email reads. That language is similar to how she described the goal of her retainership scheme, but includes no prices or proposed services.

Neither Dr. Nwosu nor her office responded to inquiries from Capital Daily about what services she plans to charge for.

The question her patients are left with is, is this legal?

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