Promised SFU medical school still years from opening despite doctor shortage

NDP pledged in 2020 to have first cohort of students starting next year at Surrey campus


When Sharman Minus had a heart attack in early 2020, she hadn’t had a family doctor in two years.

The 69-year-old Victoria retiree still doesn’t and as a result waits hours in emergency rooms or on telehealth lines  explaining her medical history again and again, hoping to get help for chronic symptoms or to adjust prescriptions.

“I lost my last doctor, he was retiring and he couldn’t get anyone to take over his practice,” said Minus, a volunteer with B.C. Health Care Matters, a new group that advocates for timely access to a family doctor for every B.C. resident. “The advantage of having a family doctor is golden … They’re the foundation of all of Canada’s health care.”

Nearly a million British Columbians are without a family doctor.

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