New drug checking machine now available in Prince George, BC

August 11, 2022

Northern Health
News Release

To save lives, and help people who use drugs make informed choices, a new Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) drug checking machine is now operational in Prince George, in partnership with the POUNDS Project (Preventing Overdose UNDoing Stigma).

“BC is using every tool in our toolbox to tackle the ongoing public health emergency and prevent future deaths due to the toxic drug supply,” said Sheila Malcolmson, Minister of Mental Health and Addictions. “Drug checking technology has the power to reduce poisoned drug deaths and save lives. I am grateful that this cost-effective drug-checking machine is coming to Prince George as an additional tool in our response to the drug-poisoning crisis.”

Drug checking is an evidence-informed harm reduction tool that allows people to check what’s in their drugs. Using the FTIR machine, trained staff at the POUNDS project location in downtown Prince George will now be able to do advanced drug checking in the community, including fentanyl and benzo testing. The machine can test a range of substances, including opioids, stimulants, and other psychoactive drugs such as MDMA.

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